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Monday, November 29, 2010

Signage (III): Ian Hamilton Finlay: Word Works



Idylls End In Thunderstorms
: Ian Hamilton Finlay, 1986 (Tate Gallery/ National Galleries of Scotland)

Ian Hamilton Finlay Starlit Waters 1967

Starlit Waters: Ian Hamilton Finlay, 1967 (Tate Gallery)

Ian Hamilton Finlay Lead Us circa 1967-8

Lead Us: Ian Hamilton Finlay, c. 1967-1968 (Tate Gallery)

Ian Hamilton Finlay Interior/Interieur Homage to Vuillard [collaboration with Michael Harvey] 1971

Interior/Interieur: Ian Hamilton Finlay, in collaboration with Michael Harvey, 1971 (Tate Gallery)

Ian Hamilton Finlay D1 [collaboration with Michael Harvey] 1972

Interior/Interieur: Ian Hamilton Finlay, in collaboration with Michael Harvey, 1972 (Tate Gallery)

Ian Hamilton Finlay from Posters from the Little Spartan War, Death to the Arts Council 1982

Death to the Arts Council (from Posters from the Little Spartan Wars): Ian Hamilton Finlay, 1982 (Tate Gallery)

Ian Hamilton Finlay from Posters from the Little Spartan War, Let Perish the Money Tyrants 1982

Let Perish the Money Tyrants (from Posters from the Little Spartan Wars): Ian Hamilton Finlay, 1982 (Tate Gallery)

Ian Hamilton Finlay from Ian Hamilton Finlay Posters, [no title] 1983

To Cease To Believe in Others Is an Impermissible Luxury
: Ian Hamilton Finlay, 1983 (Tate Gallery)

Ian Hamilton Finlay from Ian Hamilton Finlay Posters, [no title] 1983

Terror Is the Piety of the Revolution
: Ian Hamilton Finlay, 1983 (Tate Gallery)

Ian Hamilton Finlay from The Garden Proposals, [no title] from 4 colonnes, 8 affiches pour l'abbaye cistercienne de L'Epau été 1986' 1986

Untitled (from The Garden Proposals)
: Ian Hamilton Finlay, 1986 (Tate Gallery)

Ian Hamilton Finlay from The Garden Proposals, [no title] from 4 colonnes, 8 affiches pour l'abbaye cistercienne de L'Epau été 1986' 1986

Untitled (from The Garden Proposals): Ian Hamilton Finlay, 1986 (Tate Gallery)

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