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Friday, April 15, 2011

Access and Closure: Mahmoud Darwish: O those who pass between fleeting words


An olive tree, Bi'lin, West Bank: photo by elena martinez, 12 June 2009

Settlements outside of Nablus

A settlement, seen through separation fence: photo by T, from Nablus: Palestine, The Occupation, 7 July 2009

O those who pass between fleeting words

Carry your names, and be gone
Rid our time of your hours, and be gone

Steal what you will from the blueness of the sea
And the sand of memory

Take what pictures you will, so that you understand

That which you never will:

How a stone from our land builds the ceiling of our sky.

O those who pass between fleeting words

From you the sword -- from us the blood

From you steel and fire -- from us our flesh

From you yet another tank -- from us stones

From you tear gas -- from us rain

Above us, as above you, are sky and air

So take your share of our blood -- and be gone
Go to a dancing party -- and be gone

As for us, we have to water the martyrs' flowers
As for us, we have to live as we see fit.

O those who pass between fleeting words
As better dust, go where you wish, but
Do not pass between us like flying insects

For we have work to do in our land:
We have wheat to grow which we water with our bodies' dew

We have that which does not please you here:
Stones or partridges

So take the past, if you wish, to the antiquities market
And return the skeleton to the hoopoe, if you wish,
On a clay platter

We have that which does not please you: we have the future
And we have things to do in our land.

O those who pass between fleeting words
Pile your illusions in a deserted pit, and be gone

Return the hand of time to the law of the golden calf

Or to the time of the revolver's music!

For we have that which does not please you here, so be gone
And we have what you lack: a bleeding homeland of a bleeding people
A homeland fit for oblivion or memory.

O those who pass between fleeting words

It is time for you to be gone
Live wherever you like, but do not live among us
It is time for you to be gone
Die wherever you like, but do not die among us

For we have work to do in our land.

We have the past here

We have the first cry of life

We have the present, the present and the future
We have this world here, and the hereafter

So leave our country

Our land, our sea
Our wheat, our salt, our wounds

Everything, and leave

The memories of memory
O those who pass between fleeting words!

Mahmoud Darwish (13 March 1941-9 August 2008): O those who pass between fleeting words, 1988: translator unknown


One-metre-square cement roadblocks used to restrict Palestinian vehicle access access at one of the entrances to Beit Ummar village, near Hebron, West Bank; one of 50 such block sites used to obstruct Palestinian vehicle access to settlements and to prevent bypassing of checkpoints when entering controlled access routes: photo by Harry Pockets, 6 July 2006


Beit Ummar, West Bank, Palestine: photo by Palobserver, 2 April 2011


Barrier gate at Bi'lin, near Ramallah, West Bank: the gate is the only means of entry for the villagers who have been separated from their families by the Israeli West Bank barrier; one of 25 such fences, totalling 37,600 metres, built to impede Palestinians from traveling over major roads to the main cities: photo by Harry Pockets, 6 July 2006

Bi'lin Separation Wall, near Ramallah, West Bank; the wall separates the village of Bi'lin from sixty percent of its farmland: photo by elena martinez, 12 June 2009

A settlement, seen through barrier fence near village of Bi'lin, West Bank
: photo by elena martinez, 12 June 2009


Protestors fleeing IDF tear gas attack during demonstration against security barrier in Bi'lin, West Bank: photo by socksasgloves, 2005


View from Nablus side of Huwwara checkpoint, with people waiting to travel south; one of nine permanent checkpoints in the Nablus region, West Bank, used by the IDF to control pedestrian and vehicle access: photo by Harry Pockets, 10 August 2006

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