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Saturday, June 5, 2010

Reverdy: Slates


File:Slate Macro 1.JPG

Sur chaque ardoise
...................qui glissait du toit
.........................avait écrit
....................................un poème

La gouttière est bordée de diamants
.............................. les oiseaux les boivent

File:St Fagans Tannery 7.jpg

On each slate
..............that slipped from the roof
..................had written
..............................a poem

The gutter's lined with diamonds
.......................the birds sip them

File:Egon Schiele 019.jpg

Pierre Reverdy: "Sur chaque ardoise..." from Les Ardoises du Toit (1918), trans. TC

A piece of slate: photo by Jon Zander, 2007
Slate roof, Tannery, St. Fagans (Wales National Museum, Cardiff): photo by Zureks, 2007
Windows: Egon Schiele, 1914 (Österreichische Galerie, Wien)

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